Smart Bro Subscribers dissatisfied with their Services (internet Connection)

I am really frustrated with SMART BRO Telecommunications with their Smart Bro Plugit that always encounter low internet connection or no internet connection at all. This is about my own experiences with Smart Bro.

I was wondering why they keep on promoting their new smart bro plug-it modem and promised every aspiring subscribers that their internet connection is fast and can browse easily to the internet. However, the truth is –the smart bro internet connection is not stable and it’s very very very slow.  We suffer this kind of problem everyday, everyday and every hour, every minute. I know lots of people out there are suffering the same way too.

There is this colleague of mine said that the Problem of those telecommunication companies that they are not expanding their databases even if they are earning a lot – the result: Subscribers suffer.

How come SMART BRO has guts to promote their new plug-it modem to people with a LIE? Are they now doing something to improve their services and prove the subscribers that they are worth it?  They should be embarrassed for their broken promises. They should make actions to resolve this problem before promoting it again. What do you think?

Honestly, I am not saying that you should not choose smart bro but I am just sharing what I’ve experienced with their FAILED services.

To Smart Bro: Please resolve this issue soon and stop promoting your new plug-it if your internet connection is very slow and not stable. Better to buy new databases or whatsoever to make your subscribers satisfied with your services

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